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Diving In Orosei

The Gulf of Orosei, doesn't certainly need any presentation, it is one of the top destination in italy for all the rourists from all around the world, with more than 40 kilometers of incredibly high limestone cliffs, decorated with the beautiful greenish colors of the mediterranean vegetation that slowly degrade into the pristine waters, that in calm wind days seem to not exist for how clear they are, but if in the world there is something as beautiful as the Gulf of Orosei, It's his underwater world, with breath-taking rock formation, plenty of marine life and misterious wrecks it's the perfect playground for scuba divers of every type and level, and our goal is to give you the best experience in the best dive sites

Discover Our Dives

KT12 Wreck


The wreck is located just 15 minutes by boat from the divers' accommodation, and lies at an average depth of approximately 27/30 m, it is located in a Having been reasonably preserved despite being sunk in the Second World War, the wreck, depending on the currents, is often very rich in marine life, which makes it even more fascinating in the eyes of the diver. 


KT-12 Bow

During the sinking of the KT-12 the bow detached and settled 500m further south, thus creating another dive site, very interesting, always on the 27-30m depth line.


Le Grottacce

Another dive that we propose is the one located at "Grottace", just twenty minutes of navigation from the harbour, the point is located at the foot of a 300 meter high wall that falls sheer into the sea, which makes it very suggestive as a point, on the bottom you will find majestic rock formations which, in contrast to the underwater flora of the gulf, create a perfect habitat for various species, among the favorites of divers we find the Mediterranean Barracuda and other marine species that can be admired.


Le Gorgonie

Following a dive more aimed for lovers of underwater organisms is the one called "the Gorgonian" this takes place on a ridge which is located at a depth of 17-24 metres, as the name suggests, in addition to the resident species (Group, Corvine and Moray eels) we will go to find the beautiful yellow gorgonians, sea daisies, sponges and bryozoans, the seabed at the beginning is mainly composed of very fine sand which then degrades to make room for the immense seagrass


Punta Nera Di Osala

 The advantage of this dive despite it not being demanding, given the not excessive depth of 15-20 metres, which moreover allows us to still admire everyone the colors with vividness, is that it has nothing to envy to all the other dives, indeed, at this point we find ourselves in an area rich in life which ranges from the most common species of the Mediterranean (Bream Bream, Occhiate, Sciarrani, Moray Eels etc. ) to the Barracudas now sedentary in that area, to the Nudibranchs which are now the "main" subject of the photos of all underwater photographers of every kind

and order. 


The Gallery

Last but not least we propose the "La Galleria" site slightly further away than those previously mentioned, it involves the exploration of two underwater passages located at a maximum depth of 13 metres, the walls at the entrance is covered with Parazoanthus which when they open to feed and are spectacular, in addition to these we also find Corvine, Groupers and Saraghi now sedentary in this area

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